DELETE FROM Arfooo_visits WHERE type = 'ref' AND DATE_ADD(ts, INTERVAL 24 HOUR) < NOW()/commerce-et-economie/pieces-detachees-automobile-s313.html
  (1024) Błąd SQL Table './sites@002dblogs@002dcom/Arfooo_visits' is marked as crashed and should be repaired (145)   Database.php   line 235     1-4-16   12:03
FrontController->dispatch() # line   18, file: /var/www/
  Controller->render() # line  225, file: /var/www/
    TemplateLiteView->render(Object:SiteController) # line  167, file: /var/www/
      Template_Lite->fetch("site/details.tpl") # line   77, file: /var/www/
        Template_Lite->_fetch_compile("site/details.tpl", null) # line  360, file: /var/www/
          include("/var/www/") # line  482, file: /var/www/
            Template_Lite->_fetch_compile_include("includes/header.tpl", Array[2]) # line   43, file: /var/www/
              template_fetch_compile_include("includes/header.tpl", Array[2], Object:Template_Lite) # line  463, file: /var/www/
                Template_Lite->_fetch_compile("includes/header.tpl") # line   30, file: /var/www/
                  include("/var/www/") # line  482, file: /var/www/
                    AppTemplateLiteView->saveReferrer(Array[0], Object:Template_Lite) # line    3, file: /var/www/
                      FrontController->dispatch("/main/saveReferrer") # line  129, file: /var/www/
                        call_user_func_array(Array[2], Array[0]) # line  220, file: /var/www/
                          MainController->saveReferrerAction() # line    0, file: unknown
                            OtherReferrerSiteModel->saveReferrer("") # line   50, file: /var/www/
                              VisitModel->exists("", "ref", null, "24") # line   93, file: /var/www/
                                Model->del(Object:Criteria) # line   21, file: /var/www/
                                  Database->sqlDelete("Arfooo_visits", "type = 'ref'  AND DATE_ADD(ts, INTERVAL 24 HOUR) < NOW()") # line  203, file: /var/www/
                                    Database->sqlQuery("DELETE FROM Arfooo_visits WHERE type = 'ref'  AND DATE_ADD(ts, I...") # line  164, file: /var/www/
                                      trigger_error("...") # line  235, file: /var/www/